

Thursday, February 3, 2011


so i have been running a lot lately. i've been using this lipodrene but i think i have become acustomed to it. so now i had to up what the dose i was taking.

im constipated. LOL. i have been eating way too much fucking cheese. so today my goal is to not eat any god dang cheese today. i think i may have taken too much of this stuff. woops. i feel jittery and shaky.
i drank coffee with it too my bad.
lame., im awake though! i weighed myself at 199 today which is bs. but its because i havent been taking my milk thistle correctly. god im waiting to hear back from this guy i met online. he is in the navy.

he wrote this to me:

I hope I am not being a bother but you are honestly the most beautiful woman I have ever seen! How on earth are you single? I know its cheesy but you are truly the epitome of beautiful! I would absolutely love to get to know you if you were at all interested. If so email me at

I am out to sea right now so the internet is really slow.

he seems really sweet! i cant wait to hear back from him. i really cant. its like were hitting it off really well. i met this other guy online too. he seems like a sleez though.
any way.
finally my stomach is starting to feel better. my face broke out so much i dont know whats up. maybe its because im getting detoxed or something.
so last night i put toothpaste on my face so that it could clear up and i didnt wear makeup today besides eye liner and mascara. so my face could have a chance to breath.
its oily jesus so oily. im going to try and go today with out cheese. then i am going to drink an extra liter of water today. jesus im shaky too. good god. so shaky.
im hoping when i get home i can weigh in and see where im at. my goal for this month is to lose ten pounds. so to be 180 by the start of march. then by the start of april be down to 170. my chest hurts.

1 comment:

  1. Sarah, I think 10lbs in a month is fair enough, don't try to lose more than that though! And make sure if you have coffee and the lipodrine, eat something, even just some celery and cream cheese with it / after it, so you're not so jittery! I think on atkins, you're only supposed to have 1 serving of cheese a day, but more is fine, just don't go overboard on it! You're doing good, keep up your hard work :D
