

Saturday, January 8, 2011

bloggin wtf

ok so i am fully aware now that i have all these posts that are saying ok today is the day, fresh start, new year, new week, next week blah blah blah. Where on earth did my motivation go??
I think its because I was depressed.
- Thursday
     Sign up for marathon and pay registration

Ok so i've signed up for the marathon before but did not pay for it. Last year blew asshole because so much was going on. Moving, dad's ms, lying fiance, grandma's death. it was seriously one thing after another. it was so hard for me.
the marathon is in june. june 11th to be exact. im looking forwarf to this. 18 weeks of training. car will be fixed soon im thinking like 2 more weeks at the latest. i need to stop smoking!!
then my shit still has not made it through the mail yet. which blows. my goal today is to drink 2 litters of water. and to  cut my cigaretts to only 2 today. oh man i just guzzled some water i was so thirsty.
best thing about my job is i can have atkins approved salads yay!!
i haven't been eating a whole lot but one problem i have been having is i have been drinking a lot more.
so i cant wait for my stuff to come through the mail. this will really jump start my diet.i just really needed an appitite suppressant
im going back on atkins
i need to cut way back on cheeses and oil
but other than that i will be really good!
1200 calories a day. i got to lose as much weight as i can before my marathon so i can run it well
im hoping i can lose 8 lbs per month in 5 months thats 40 lbs. which is very healthy
- Make grocery list
     go shopping on friday 1/13

I havent really gone grocery shopping because dustin has been paying for the groceries and i don't want him to be buying my stuff. thats not really fair.
so i will be making a grocery list for myself
and one for him LOL
-Start Running
   gotta get my own car
  So hopefully my car will be ready in about 2 weeks
so when i get my car i will start working out more aggressively. I need to see when my membership at my gym expires and when that does im just going to try to renew or find somewhere cheaper.
i need to really keep up on my running schedule.
its running 15-20 miles per week

1 comment:

  1. Sarah you can do it. Maybe blog about it more? It will help you stay on track. I've noticed that's helped you in the past. It's good you get to eat healthy food at your new job, that's always a plus. WHAT DID YOU ORDER????? lol Miss ya :)
