

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

wow.... you'd never guess some lessons

so i have counted Wes, Austin, Jeremy, are in love with me. i'd never thought i'd have 3 at the same time. this is nice. but really i think i like my friend Dan the most. He's really nice.
any way today i ran 2.2 miles today. i had to split it up. 1 in am and 2end in pm
tomorrow i want to run 2 miles in the morning.
i get to sleep in thank god!! so if i have work at noon, then it takes me 15 minutes to get to work
so leave at 1145 wake up at 9 am.

appetite has been nice. no hunger no cravings. i am doing well for myself. i got my milk thistle back and i've been running. i drank 3 liters of water today. i just gotta keep up with this stuff.. ... i think i may do my 1 mile a day at least then maybe something else.
i have been so diligent on my diet. its been only one week out of my 2 week induction phase
so i think im going to stay on this and buy some of those ketosis strips. im going to sleep really good tonight

my goal is to get to 180 by the end of feb. then the end of march to be at 170
feb 180
march 170
april 160
may 150
june 140?
so im at 199 right now. i just got rid of some water weight. boooger
now this week i gotta keep count and track of my calories.
today i really didnt eat anything half a zuchini, cheese, 1/4 salad, dinner 2 boca burgers mustard cheese and lettuce.

staying ways from everything is ok for me. milk thistle is helping and so is the lipodrene
im really hoping that in a few days i can lose a bit more
199 i hope i wake up tomorrow at 197 or less.

= 191 is fine by me.
so now i just gotta go little by little and watch that scale

i think if i eat eggs for breakfast 2 eggs, coffee and salsa that is 140 calories 2 carbs

lunch is a salad that is usually 445 or so  3 carbs
dinner is tuna and spinach with cheese or salsa which is around 200 calories 1-2

im not really eating enough thats only about 800 calories per day

by my calculations i should be losing 5.6 pounds per week.
well see what happens. i think if i just burn 1100 calories per day + my bmr is 1722 i should be seeing weight loss
and you know what i have been seeing it  i have like lose pants now!! WOOt

1 comment:

  1. Awesome sarah! I'm glad you're doing so well, keep it up! You can get to your goal :D
