

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

welp it happened

broke it off with dustin.
i get anxiety seeing that. i need to work on me.
so..... i got a bit of water weight i need to get off. i am 199 right now. and i was at 193. TOM is here and that didnt help either.
so i think tonight im going to try and run 4 miles. that is what my training regimen says to do. however its 16 weeks of training that im going to try and pull out to make it 2 months longer. so perhaps i will just try to run the 4 tonight and tomorrow would be a rest day. the next day after that looks like it could be a 5 mile day. it takes me 12 minutes to run a mile. i gotta cut that down to 9 minutes a mile then i can finish the marathon in 4 hours.
but its stamina and endurance. i have to keep the pace at 9 minute miles. so my running 4 miles / day is going to add up to 636 calories burned.

3720 and thats with work and eating breakfast and my bmr. breakfast was 3 eggs, coffee and salsa. im drinking some water right now.
breakfast was about 310 and i already subtracted that from the thing. im thinking tuna for dinner, and a salad for lunch.

tuesdays thurs and sats and suns are going to be long run days its averaging about 4-6 miles/wk its nearly 4 lbs per week i'd be losing
being at 199
with this water weight i bet i can see 193 after a while.
a week
my goal is to be in the 180's this month thats two weeks.
with my running and my atkins i can get there easy 199- 15 thats 184.
i have to go back sometime and get the rest of my stuff. im nervous about doing that because i really dont want to see him. i know what is going on. i know that he is seeing his ex again. i can put money on that.
i need to keep my head up. this sat i work 12-7 i dont know when i can come get my stuff from his place this week. i think next week would be better.

ok running. run run run run run run run run run run. i want to go hme and run. 4 miles will take me 50 minutes or so. i know i'll go home and ill be home around 8:30pm get some clothes on and go for my run. be done by like 9:15 and take a shower. i will be so fuggin tired
my anxiety kills me. it gets so fucking bad.i got it right now. i took one of my pills lipodrene for weight loss and energry. mainly energy. i was having a hard time finding motivation. this helps me get my ass in gear.
and gets me to work out hard core.
work is in a few
gotta keep positive

1 comment:

  1. You can do it sarah, just be careful about the pills you're taking I've read awesome reviews, just worry about the ephedra in them

    When you go to pick up your stuff, maybe have your sister go with you so it's not so awkward

    Good luck love :D
