

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

oh jeeeezie

so today im at the library. i have been eating lately which has been really nice. last night i had a spinach salad with cheese and salsa and tuna. i ate three times yesterday. it was nice and i ran one mile last night. 11:41 was my lap time. im proud of that because i shaved some 19 secs off my time. im going to shoot for 11.26 tonight. quit smoking. i had one yesterday and i can really feel it in my chest today. so goal today,drinking my 8 glasses of water, no smoking, run 1 mile in 11.26 and do some elliptical. eat.
i had my 3 eggs today for breakfast and coffee. with cheese.
so about 280 calories, and 4 carbs for breakfast. and lunch i dont know if i'd be hungry
probably just another salad. today is day 2 of work. my aunt and uncle are thinking about helping me with a car. so i can work and such. my chest really hurts. i was a tad sore today. starting out at one mile slowly but surely i will get there.maybe not too slow. i would like to get my miles down to 9 minutes per mile. thats 2 .5 minutes to cut. oh boy. that will take some work.running a 5 k in 20 minutes is roughly 6 minute miles. so my period started on the 18th and the last day i had to weigh myself with an ok number was the 17th. so im trying to see if i can lose weight. im taking lipodrene and its been helping with my issues. it puts me in a better mood and gives me energy
i eat way less too. i dont want to eat shit. so far i have drank 2 waters
eaten breakfast and taken my lipodrene.

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