

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

oh wow!!

2 days of fasting and i got knocked into ketosis like a bat out of hell. i have lost 12 lbs. and counting. and i am leaking out ketones like a bad mama jama!!
went from 211 to 199 in about a week. stress and anxiety is causing me not to eat but i figure since i got into ketosis maybe i can just stay on atkins while im at it. the thing i need to remember is that i need to count calories even though im doing atkins. another thing that is bothering me is that dustins ex lost a lot of weight and dustins mom has been noted to say that dustin doesn't need a fat gf. that he deserves a skinny one. so im going into crisis mode right now. i can feel my face burning. i had a head ache yesterday and that was about it. jesus its so much easier to get into ketosis this way rather than by eating. i didn't feel any symptoms and by morning day 3 im already in ketosis. any way wish me luck ya'll


  1. Ok good job on getting to ketosis, go you!

    Keep in mind, you don't necessarily need to count calories while doing low carb. When your insulin isn't spiking and immediately dropping due to sugar and carbs, you naturally don't eat as much. I'd go a week without worrying about calories and let your body adjust. If you find that you're going overboard with eating, THEN start calorie counting.

    What exactly are you eating if you don't mind me asking?

    Lastly, who gives a damn what Dustin's mom thinks or says. I mean I know words hurt and she's your boyfriend's mom so by nature you're going to take her opinion in, just don't 'value' her opinion if you know what I mean.

    You are a good person on the INSIDE Sarah, don't forget that. How skinny one is doesn't always equal happiness. Just focus on getting healthy for now and adjusting to low carb.

    Good luck :D
